MDRM-IT Automation is a workflow-based IT automation solution designed for systematic management of the ever-increasing IT resources and innovation in inefficient business processes.


MDRM - IT Infra

IT Infra Automation


MDRM-IT Operations Automation is a solution designed for efficient operation management and rapid recovery across diverse customer environments. With workflow-based task management, automation, and monitoring, it enables effective operational management. By automating IT operations, it facilitates systematic system management, alleviating the inconvenience of managing diverse and complex tasks and streamlining repetitive tasks to save time and resources.

Application Tasks

  • Through workflow execution, automate system startup/shutdown for each task.

  • Regular system checks, firmware and patch updates, application restarts, etc.

  • Perform automatic checks through scheduling functionality and automatically send check results.

  • Pre-task checks, backup checks, application log checks, etc.

  • Standardize batch procedures and integrate batch job automation.
  • Provide intuitive visibility into batch jobs.

  • Perform unified deployment across multiple operational servers for batch upgrades.

  • Manage and share product versions for deployment.

Configuration diagrams

Are you struggling with continuously increasing
IT resources and inefficient business processes?

Key Features



Automation of tasks

  • Establishing a response system for scaling out environments and increasing operational systems


Productivity enhancement

  • Reduced fatigue from simple repetitive tasks and transition to productivity-focused tasks


Standardization of operational management

  • Reduced human errors through standardized skill proficiency


Visualization of progress status

  • Real-time monitoring of progress status and situation sharing through dashboards